Hudson Yards


The Hudson Yards play structure is perfect for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.  It is built hold a maximum of 24 to 28 children. It has a fall height of 7 feet, and its safety zone is 27’ 2” x 30’ 4”. This play structure comes in either a neutral color palette or a primary color palette. The neutral color palette consists of tan, brown, and green. The primary color palette consists of yellow, red, blue, and green. The Hudson Yards play structure has a pod climber, a pebble climber, a double wave slide, and an overhead snake ladder. It comes equipped with a maze panel, a bench panel, and a rain wheel.

In stock items typically ship in 2-4 weeks.

Installation not included. 

For an installation quote or any other questions, please contact our Commercial Sales Rep: Steve Ellis at

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