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Berg Buzzy BSX



Can you imagine your child whizzing through the neighbourhood on this yellow BSX sensation? This cool Buzzy BSX is much sturdier than a three-wheeler. Your feet remain firmly on the pedals even going round the tightest corners. Forwards, backwards, stopping within a few seconds, it can all be done with this BERG Buzzy. The pedals remain within reach at all times and the four wheels make the go-kart super stable.  

The seat and steering wheel are adjustable, providing children with years of pleasure on their Buzzy. Recommended age: 2 years +.

  • Every child learns to pedal super easily due to the direct transmission and unique ergonomics.
  • Always control over the steering wheel and the pedals because they can be operated independently.
  • Silent EVA whisper tyres that will never go flat.
  • The four wheels and swing axle keep you grounded firmly and safely.
  • Super light pedalling due to ball bearings and unique ergonomics.
  • Grows with you due to the adjustable steering wheel and saddle.
  • Can be driven forwards and backwards.